Consider to seek a photogrammetry solution. It involves taking photographs of the item from a consistent distance, as many as possible in a 360° scan. There are free versions of photogrammetry programs which will probably have a limit to the number of photos accepted for conversion and paid programs without limitations.

Lockets are usually quite small and your printer will not print tiny objects that contain great detail. Resin printers are good for small objects with great detail, but that's not applicable to your post.

If you do not require 3D representation, but wish to have a faithful reproduction of the shape of the print, you could create an outline of the primary aspects of the paw print and extrude it to a suitable thickness. Your printer would print such an item.

This image above is representative of what could be extruded using many different 3D modeling programs. The claw portion of the paw may be too small to print to fit a locket and the individual pads would have to have a foundation layer holding it together.

If you have a photograph to post of the clay impression, that may be helpful.