I haven't had my printer very long, but I have found out that it can be a chore to get set up correctly to print nice.

If I were you, I'd remove the build plate and spray it with some AquaNet hairspray and let it sit out in the sun to dry for an hour or so. Reinstall the place and level it using a piece of printer paper. Get the gap to where there is just a bit of drag when pulling the paper. Don't adjust one point and never come back to it. Adjust all of them and then check again. You'll more than likely move one side of the plate when adjusting the other side.

Now, check level again. Seriously....

Ok, download a bed leveling file from Thingiverse.com. Get one that makes a round circle. Load it up and see how it sticks.

If your machine doesn't have a fan that blows air at the nozzle while printing, get a fan and put it next to the machine and let it run while printing. PLA needs to be cooled while being laid down.

Good luck!