Simplify 3D, it works great. I took the plunge and bought it about I guess a week or almost two now. It is so much easier to use and has so many controls, settings and support it is well worth it.

Quote Originally Posted by Merijeek View Post
Hi all. I've had my Qidi a week now and am having an interesting time with it.

I'm hoping I can get some help on a couple questions.

First of all, I'm trying to figure out how to get past some first layer issues. Is there a way in the Makerbot software to increase the thickness of only the bottom layers? I haven't found anything useful yet.

Second, is there a practical alternative to the Makerbot Desktop software? I've got some practice with other software for an MP Mini (which I liked a lot better than the Makerbot software), and really don't like the Makerbot software.

Finally (for now) I am having a seriously tough time getting my prints off my bed. Anything wide, such as a 3" Catan hex takes some major effort to get off the bed, and typically involves putting some gouges on the sides of the piece.
