Quote Originally Posted by Syd_Khaos View Post
Been questioning the retraction settings myself.

When I was using the FlashForge profile in S3D the stringing was VERY minimal. Now with the Qidi profile the retraction values are exactly the same, but I see alot more strings, and phantom towers (travel towers).

I have done almost all my PLA prints at about 190c. I can assure you that layer bonding is just fine at that temp. Made a ring for my wife of PLA that has survived 4 months of her work (she a waitress). Also printed a plate-mail shoulder, and had my son smack it with a bat...it didnt even crack..granted he didnt hit so hard as i was wearing the piece at the time lol.
Great info. I am printing the MG PLA at 190 and it works really nice. The PLA at even 195 starts to string pretty bad.

I am going to test temps on the Crystal this afternoon and see how that goes.

When I get time I might switch the PLA back over to the right extruder and test retraction. The left is what is also giving an issue with the pre-heat light and target temp in the S3D control panel.