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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by jfkansas View Post
    On something that small a .3mm nozzle would help and set the extrusion width to about .25mm. No real reason to print slow, due to the size the acceleration parameters will slow it down enough. 1-2 shells and 100% infill will work. .2mm layer heights should be fine.
    I printed it with those parameters, and it printed just fine. Then I tried again, and it was a completely different story. Now nothing I do will get this thing to print right. Everything just turns out to be a big blob of melted plastic. I have tried everything to get it to stick to the platform and it just won't. I tried that glue stick, but that doesn't do anything but make lines of glue across the bed and seems pointless. I now have that blue sticker off, because it got too hot, and bubbled up. I put painters tape on the aluminum, which everyone says works great, but still, nothing is sticking to it.

    I did get it to stick one time for the first couple layers, but it looks like the whole thing is melting, and then it eventually comes loose and turns into a plastic blob on the nozzle.

    I'm printing PLA, and my bed is 50C, and my nozzles are 210C. What am I doing wrong?
    Last edited by dspdrew; 03-19-2016 at 01:06 PM.

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