Quote Originally Posted by KludgeGuru View Post
I originally had that problem and found that I had to change this line of code in each of the scripts:

G1 X-110 Y-75 Z30 F9000 ; Move to wait position off table
It used to be X-130, changing it to X-110 solved the problem of the head hitting the far left side. If yours is still doing that reduce it to maybe X-105 and try again.
Ah cool, thanks. I'll try that when I get home today. Maybe the person that originally used that script didn't have the fan attached to the side of their head?

Another thing I've noticed (and I have no idea if it's related to the script or not), is my build plate is only heating up to about 25C, when I'm pretty sure I told it in Simplify3D to heat up to 40C, and then drop to 0 after the 5th layer. Is this an issue with my configuration of Simplify3D, the script, or both? I still don't really know how to read all those gcode parameters, so it's hard for me to understand what it's doing just by looking at them.