
I downloaded an object from thingiverse and am getting a slew of errors in Skeinforge. I did run the object through NetFabb's repair tool but the same
error messages persist.
"[15:11:23] Warning, the triangle mesh slice intersects itself in getLoopsFromCorrectMesh in triangle_mesh.
[15:11:23] Something will still be printed, but there is no guarantee that it will be the correct shape.
[15:11:23] Once the gcode is saved, you should check over the layer with a z of:
[15:11:23] 31.0999981396"
I have no idea what it means. I tried printing anyways but it was messed up by the first layer. Web search for this message says it's due to the modeling tool that made the file but, ...

I have a second file also doing this but I know it does work elsewhere as I had it printed via 3DHubs, twice.

Any info or direction would be greatly appreciated.