I have not gotten around to replacing this wooden x-carriage & decided to revisit the original design to see if I could make it more curvy like my other redesigns & make it stronger in the process. Here is what I came up with. The volume of the part is 5.6 cubic cm smaller (68.2 versus 62.6) & Pronterface shows the print using 6' less filament. My 1st version of this new design just had it curved around the holes, but since the weight is really only being carried by the top wheels I decided to cut it open at the top middle to see what it would look like. I think with the ledge around the outside top should give it plenty of strength and I do not see any interference problems. I started to put another couple of holes where the belt is clamped, but thought that might take too much strength away from the design. Since the heat from the extruder probably gets a little caught under that plate, I am wondering if putting a couple of heat relief holes to each side & slightly above the bottom center wheel would be a good idea. The 2nd photo shows that idea. I could also take out those 2 bottom outer holes & slant those 2 Shelf supports inward. Originally I thought that might concentrate more heat underneath, but adding those 2 extra holes should help that. Here is a photo of the design. The top of it kind of reminds of bib overalls. Let me know if you have any suggestions about any of this.