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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Then you're just arguing in circles. What do you want out of a 3D printer? What is it you expect them to do?
    With all due respect, did you even read the very first post?

    No one here responding seem to get what you're trying to ask or imply because you seem to have a comeback for every response given lol.
    Well you're wrong, because of everything below this:

    post number:
    #1 - me listing what I think can be printed for selling but saying that I think the quality of the prints (and so printers) as well as results from post-processing aren't good enough for them and asking others what they print

    #5 and 6 - people giving examples which I asked of prints where the quality doesn't matter to the buyer

    #9 - I say how the examples won't work for me because they either use 3d printed parts as a small part of something else very specialized they make or they are accessories for somewhat rare things so selling those especially where I'm from won't get me far

    #10 - suggested to use thinner layer heights

    #12 - suggested to sell virtual 3d models instead for making money

    # 13 - suggested to offer 3d printing others designs, to which I replied there are already people here offering such services here with far more precise CNC machines.

    #17 - suggested to offer 3d printing for prototyping, I think it's the same as above suggestion

    #18 - same as # 12

    #21 - same as # 13, 18. Post #22 says 3d prints won't be good enough quality, I think the same way (as I mentioned in # 13)

    #24 - being shown that thinner layers actually look good, I agree partially.

    #27 - suggested to do post-processing, which I've mentioned in post #1 why I don't think will work.

    #28 - same as # 12?

    #29 - Your post. (post processing was mentioned in # 27).

    Pretty helpful thread to me IMO. Some posts are repeats but all are appreciated.

    A disagreeing "reply" to a post isn't a "comeback". if you personally don't understand what I want, then I don't know how else to explain. Thanks for trying to help any way. Can we continue with the topic?
    Last edited by cipher0; 04-15-2014 at 03:14 AM.

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