We don’t like very much to talk about other products/producers. Our policy: only talk about our product and its features. The comparison you’re proposing surely is being done by third parties. What we confirm is that Dimafix provides: strong bond and no warping (during printing with hot bed) and easy removal (once the printing finishes).

We also defend that Dimafix solves the usual limitations of alternative products as Scott J Grunewald has pointed out in his article: http://3dprintingindustry.com/2014/1...pray-adhesive/ “I’m sure a lot of people who print with ABS already use popular methods like blue painters tape or hairspray, but both methods occasionally have issues. Blue tape can often get stuck to the model itself and make removal difficult, while hairspray can make it difficult to remove the model without breakage because depending on the brand being used it can over-adhere to the bed. Dimafix is supposed to allow the model to pop off easily, without any breakage or sticking...”.

Reviews by independent and experienced users are coming... We hope that first customers will also share their experience here