Tyler Alford, a LeTournes University engineering student, built a 3D printed Laser engraver from scratch. Using an Instructables project and Solidworks, he printed the engraver's frame on a modified Rostock Mini Pro from 3DPrinterCzar. It took 6 hours to print the entire frame using MatterHackers' PLA Pro material. He used a two axis design, an Arduino UNO for the machine brain, and he got two EasyDrivers and a Laser housing on Ebay for a total of just $10. He drew the laser from an old DVD drive. This impressive project cost him about $15 total to make. Further details on this incredible 3D print can be found here: http://3dprint.com/27678/3d-printed-laser-engraver/

Check out a picture of this 3D printed laser engraver below. Let us know if you decide to print one out and assemble one yourself!