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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2022
    The great state of Texas

    Halloween Haunted House 2023

    Halloween is my favorite holiday of the year so always make a few cnc patterns to celebrate it. Now, additionally, I also make a few 3d print models. I made a gravestone, pumpkin, candle stick, and finally a haunted house. I still need a few more bits to make it look more haunted but 90% done. My workflow is to add each element as a separate geometry for the design phase. Once I am finally happy with the model, I will have to merge all the geometry and make it manifold for 3d printing. I do not use CAD so always a fun challenge to do. It is more difficult to use polygon based modeling for 3d print modeling for complex models but in my opinion it gives you more freedom for design and speed. It is a compromise. For functional models, CAD is superior for modeling (again in my opinion). Happy modeling folks. Encourage everyone to learn 3d modeling (CAD or polygon) to really get the most of their printers or cnc's.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2022
    The great state of Texas
    Took me about 2 hours of boolean work to make the model manifold. After sending to my 3d print software the support requirements were unacceptable in my opinion. So went back and split the model into four parts to try and minimize support requirements. Design decisions when making new models. Last thought was whether I needed register keys but since it's basically a square decided against them. Happy 3d printing.
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    Last edited by OG56; 10-02-2023 at 12:59 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2022
    The great state of Texas
    Happy Halloween 2023!
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