Thanks for the reply. Nope, a maker select v2. She's been a reliable workhorse for a long time. My bed is perfectly level and as you can see the issue goes away for a good inch at one point and then comes back. if it was a friction issue why would the issue be so consistent to only that face and nowhere else? From what I can feel the filament has no friction issues as I have a teflon tube and guide below the reel (Which sits on ball bearings) that keeps everything nice and free. And then go away for about 20 layers and then come back? I've never had issues like this at any layer height/speed I only mentioned this because it was a change I had made recently for testing but switched back to the speed it always worked best at and the issue persisted. As far as the imperfection location, if you look at the imperfect side that would the right side of the print when looking at the printer.