Sorry guys, not getting notified for some reason.
Printer "I am running a maker select w/ 1.75 PLA."

I was pretty confident I had it level but I did disassbmle the entire printer the other day and noticed the plate that holds the heated bed was slightly bent although since the heated bed was level I don't think that couldn't' be leveled out w/ the height adjusters. I also tried a new buildtak sheet w/o luck. Did get some boro glass to experiment with also. I took a dial indicator to the bed and it was pretty dang close to level. I do notice this occurs more w/ faster first layer print speed. If I slow it way down the first level is pretty much perfect. I find it hard to believe I have to run at 30mm/s for a first layer (60mm/s w/ first layer adjustment of 50%) to get it to lay flat. I had messed w/ first layer height but not width. Maybe i'll try that as well. I also used to use cura and I don't recall seeing it either. I now use simplify3D myself and love it overall.

What are you doing for initial layer height now? Also what are your layer heights when you printed that?
