My latest XT print:

It works pretty well but it doesnt realy stick easily, With that said my bed isnt perfectly lvl as i broke it a few weeks ago so it might be better if its more level,

The problem is simple that other plastics normaly recover itself a bit when not being level, With this plastic well, it kinda creates holes inside that takes a while when its recovered and has a smooth surface, or stays a hole in the print,

So far i should probably use Woodfill again to look if i can get that printing,
I guess if i would buy again from ColorFabb it would probably be there PLA/PHA series due the huge range of colors and being easy to print it,
XT and woodfill i aint sure at the moment what i would be doing wrong, I guess it might be my hotend having a bit to much resistance that doesnt let it extrude properly.