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  1. #751
    Super Moderator Roxy's Avatar
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    Lone Star State
    The BeckDac fork is very old. But it is very stable. There are a couple of bugs, like you can't do 3-point leveling because of a small syntax problem. The BeckDac fork will work fine for you until you get the time to move to RC6 or RC7. Moving shouldn't be very hard, but you should use a Visual Diff program to cross your settings over to the new code base.

  2. #752

    I have 2 Lulzbot TAZ 4's and I'm trying to implement auto bed leveling using Marlin the way Lulzbot does with their newly released TAZ 6's as shown here starting at 33 seconds:

    My TAZ 4's are set up similar to the TAZ 6 in the video except I don't have the button switch which is the first thing you see being tapped in the video. I'm currently using Marlin's G29 to tap the four corner washers and create a print plane and I'm getting great prints, but first I have to wipe the nozzle w/ a Scotchbrite pad to make sure it's clean for electrical contact with the washers.

    I want to implement tapping the button switch, but Lulzbot created a lot of new wiring so the switch and the corner washers are on separate circuits. The button is tapped by the hot end to approximate the bed height so if the nozzle is not clean it will not continue to drill down into the washers; instead it will back off and try wiping again.

    I would like to keep it simple and keep the button switch and the corner washers on the same circuit. Is it possible to set up Marlin to start w/ a G28 to tap the button switch and then if a G29 on the corner washers causes the nozzle to go x mm below the G28 tap then the hot end will back off and try the wipe again? Thank you.

  3. #753
    Super Moderator Roxy's Avatar
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    I think what I would do is change the home() routine to not go so far below the bed while searching for the home position. But the switch should get pressed even if there is plastic on the nozzle. The plastic on the nozzle issue would only cause trouble during the auto bed level probing. In that case, you really do need a clean nozzle since you are probing the bed and looking for electrical conductivity.

    Still, with a reliable home (because a switch is being pressed), it would seem you can wipe the nozzle sufficiently well to be sure you will get the electrical conductivity that you need.

  4. #754
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    Eastern Colorado

    I'm using Marlin RC7 now, working fine so far. Just hooked up a new capacitive proximity sensor to replace my servo switch. How with RC7 do I get the topographic "map" of the printbed from G29? Is it the same as with the earlier code we had to add to Marlin ourselves?

  5. #755
    I had the same idea about optimized auto leveling bed,
    I didn't read all the topic,
    just to say I wrote a cura post processing CURA plugin which works well on CURA 2.1.3

    if someone want to help me to finalize it and make it working on CURA 2.4, you are welcome

  6. #756
    Super Moderator Roxy's Avatar
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    Apr 2014
    Lone Star State
    Quote Originally Posted by spilz View Post
    I had the same idea about optimized auto leveling bed,
    I didn't read all the topic,
    just to say I wrote a cura post processing CURA plugin which works well on CURA 2.1.3

    if someone want to help me to finalize it and make it working on CURA 2.4, you are welcome
    Can you explain what you are trying to accomplish?

  7. #757
    I read somewhere in the middle of the thread about Ã* post processing Cura plugin to calcul a bounding box for auto leveling.
    I think it's a good idea to use the gcode "G29 Lx Rxx Fy Byy" to optimized the auto leveling only on the area which is used for printing.

    So the idea is to write Ã* Cura plugin which get the min and max value of X and Y in G1 commands in the first layer and add the G29 command in a specific area of the start gcode.

    Sorry if it's not clear (my English is bad)
    Sorry if I'm out of subject, I was looking for people speaking about that and this thread was the closest i found.

    My goal is to share my work and improve it with your help.

    Feel free for asking more informations


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