I released a new version 1.1.0 of ZTool which can be found in the usual dropbox folder:

The main features are support for the ZCodex format used by the M200 Plus and export of G-Code.
Please read the according sections ("Notes about the ZCodex format" and "G-Code export") in the RTF manual for details.

Anyway, as the support for ZCodex made it necessary to rework some internals, there's the chance I messed things up.
As a result, I'd consider version 1.1.0 to be somewhat experimental. Therefore, the stable version 1.0.9c is still available in parallel.
Besides, I still haven't found a volunteer with an M200 Plus. So currently I can only say that Z-Suite opens ZCodex files created by ZTool without complaining (and vice versa).
I'd be happy to hear from an M200 Plus owner if the printer accepts and prints e.g. ZCode converted to ZCodex (which I'd consider the safest scenario).
Note that it's probably a good idea to use an offset of 170µm when converting from ZCode to ZCodex due to different initial Z heights of M200 and M200 Plus. See RTF manual for details.

Also note that I currently don't plan to release a "g2z" version that supports ZCodex.