Hello, just wanted to thank you for the z-tool. Z-Suite is ok, but it is really lacking in certain features, and it is nice to have an alternative. I tried and already successfully printed several parts using s3d->z-tool path. I really like that s3d is much better at handling corners. Z-Suite always puts a seam into a corner and those corners are always bulging out. With s3d-Ztool corners are much better. The only parameter I needed to adjust was the retraction, which was set a bit too much at 2mm. I reduced it to 0.5mm.

Is it at all possible to get the source code for the z-tool, or at least data on the zcode? i would like to make some improvements. Yes I can still do it in g-code before sending to ztool, but would be nicer to have fewer steps in the process.