Sound advice, but in the interest of full disclosure, this isn't my first 3D printer or my first automated manufacturing device.

I've printed pretty much non-stop since I got the i3v working on Sunday evening. A few hiccoughs that Colin was able to talk me through, but great success in general.

As for the bed-leveling, I've read all the threads here on auto-leveling. On the other printers I've worked with, re-leveling was rarely needed, and if so, a couple quick turns of the Allen wrench did it without anything complex, like has been shown in the other threads.

As has been asked before, what's the big deal? Am I missing something?

If anything, the only "upgrade" I'd recommend on the i3v in terms of leveling would be to add nut-traps to the lock nuts on the underside of the Y bed to keep from having to pull out a wrench. Four simple, self-adhesive attached ABS nut traps on the bottom side so all you have to use is the Allen wrench when a re-leveling is needed.