I've now got a VERY nice printer with a big bed. It has a BLTouch probe. I'm getting all geared up to bring up the devel_UBL branch of Marlin on it. I'm going to be using it as the development platform for devel_ubl going forward.

(It is more likely than not you don't know what that is.... This branch is going to bring all flavors of Auto Bed Leveling to all types of printers. Right now we are still missing the n x n Grid based. But it doesn't matter. What is there works so well, it doesn't matter. And the foundation of the system is a High Resolution Mesh leveling scheme.)

I'm not overly impressed with the 'Repeatability' of the BLTouch probe. But it is plenty accurate to bring up the UBL branch if you so desire. And really... the work EPatel did to create the Mesh Bed Leveling technology is impressive. I left as much of it in place at the lower levels of the code as possible (just out of respect for his efforts). But if you are thinking you might want to check out Mesh Bed Leveling.... For sure you want to bring up the UBL Marlin branch!