While so many international contests centered around 3D design and printing are supposed to bring forth new innovation, it would seem that much is inspired around these competitions as well. For the Rise Education’s Young Creator Cup, Beijing’s DeFacto was commissioned to create a structure that is certainly more than just an impressive, one-of-a-kind 3D print. It is now in the Guinness World Book of Records as the largest known 3D printed structure, constructed on 5,000 PolyBlocks that will all be upcycled later as small lamps. The Rise Pavilion, as this 3D printed wonder is called, also serves as an exhibition wall for 3D printed models that actually have QR codes linking to videos of the competitors’ pieces. The Pavilion weighs 1.87 tons, stands over 11 feet high, and spans more than 1180 square feet. Read more at 3DPrint.com: https://3dprint.com/147981/defacto-r...lion-guinness/