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  1. #11
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    yes - not a joke but a practical limit for hunting small game.
    Its meant to be lethal - just not at long range.
    And no you can't put a pellet through 3x2 - embed in, yes.

    Trust me on this I've shot more bits of wood than you've had black puddings ;-)

  2. #12
    Senior Engineer
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    Burnley, UK
    Quote Originally Posted by curious aardvark View Post

    Trust me on this I've shot more bits of wood than you've had black puddings ;-)
    Not at all likely unless you do nothing else all day.

    And I have split 3x2 at 12ft/lb and the pellet has gone straight through from 5 yds.

  3. #13
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    must have been a very pointy pellet, or hardened tip.

    Most airgun pellets are too soft for a lot of penetration. (lol, as the actress said to the bishop)

  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by curious aardvark View Post
    really ?
    Does that include pistols ?

    One of the things that americans don't usually understand is that gun control doesn't mean you can't have guns - it just means you need a reason.

    Case in point. I have a client who shoots at a local gun club as a hobby.
    He's got an mp5, some kind of .50 calibre sniper rifle, a winchester underlever for which he makes his own magnum rounds and a couple of others I can't remember.
    Keeps them at home.

    His reason for owning them: he wants to and likes target shooting.
    And that's in a country with some of the strictest gun laws around.

    In the uk you can pretty much have anything that's not a pistol or full auto. The mp5 was restricted to semi-auto.
    But as long as you can prove you have somewhere safe to shoot, and aren't a convicted criminal, there are very few restrictions on what you can own.

    I live in a fairly rural area and a LOT of people have shotguns. Most small game hunting in the uk is done with air guns that don't generally need a licence (unless you go above 12ft/lb power) and most other hunting is doen with shotguns, for which you don't need to have somewhere specfic to shoot, just somewhere safe to keep them.

    Most americans have this idea that nobody in the uk has a gun. Not true. The difference is that in the uk Only those who have a reason to own a gun, own a gun.

    We don't treat the like toys, we don't use them for 'self defence', we use them as the tools for which they were originally created.

    It's a cultural difference.
    I think at last count we had 3 shotguns in the gunsafe. Including a fully moderated (silenced) shotgun that would be illegal in many us states.
    That always tickles me. You can own a gun in the uk that's illegal in most of the us :-)
    The British are asinine about guns as you can own a gun but it gets left at the range for the most part.

    We as a country have guns thanks to the Brits and thanks to them we have a second amendment that was NOT put there just so we could shoot some bears it is there so we could shoot a government who decides to turn tyrannical.

  5. #15
    Senior Engineer
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    You cannot own a hand gun unless it is stored in one of very few approved places. Airports are one such place and most airports now make a load of money from storing guns for people that take them abroad to shoot.

    I do not know of any shooting ranges that are licensed to store hand guns, it would be illegal to shoot them at the range anyway, it isn't something that most British people care about and I am quite normal in that respect.

    The Olympic team are not allowed to practise in this country.

  6. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Mjolinor View Post
    You cannot own a hand gun unless it is stored in one of very few approved places. Airports are one such place and most airports now make a load of money from storing guns for people that take them abroad to shoot.

    I do not know of any shooting ranges that are licensed to store hand guns, it would be illegal to shoot them at the range anyway, it isn't something that most British people care about and I am quite normal in that respect.

    The Olympic team are not allowed to practise in this country.
    Thank goodness we are no longer a British colony is all I can say. Yes, we have issues but so does the Brits.

    I recently read about how the British does their crime stats and what is considered and what isn't incomparison to how the USA crime stats are figured and if you make every stat account for the same stuff we are not as dissimilar in the amount of crime per capita as the British would like the world to believe.

  7. #17
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    To be fair, suppressors aren't really illegal. 39 states allow private ownership, and of the remaining, two require an FFL to own them.

    In all cases we just need to pay for a "tax stamp". So it isn't really illegal in all that many states. There are a LOT of gun laws here in the states, and a large percentage of people don't know what they are or that they even exist in the first place. Regulation here is actually very very strict, often with zero tolerance policies and minimum prison sentences.

  8. #18
    Staff Engineer
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    I just wish the Orlando shooter had been using a 3D-printed gun. It would have blown up in his face long before getting off that many shots.

  9. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by awerby View Post
    I just wish the Orlando shooter had been using a 3D-printed gun. It would have blown up in his face long before getting off that many shots.
    Exactly. The thing is more of his type is coming as his type is all over the world now.

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