Hello all,

New member here hoping to get some guidance on a problem I keep running into.

I am printing a model that I am in need of using a raft on due to curling corners. I am getting great print quality on my raft, and on my model when printed separate. However, after the raft has been printed and the interference layer has been printed, The printing of the model base layer seems to make the interference layer bulge upward causing a collision with the print head and subsequently causing the print to fail.

I have tried slowing down my print settings, I have tried increasing my raft to model distance, I have tried playing with my layer heights... I just cant seem to beat this problem.

Any help would be appreciated greatly!


Printer: Replicator 2X
Software: Makerware 3.8
Firmware: 7.6
Filament: Makerbot filament