Any comments on how this may affect Canon's relationship to 3DS? As a distributor of 3D Systems machines, I wonder if they signed a do-not compete clause? If that is the case, would this be either a white label or a joint venture? I saw that the article says that it was developed "all in-house" but could that include co-development on a 3DS base?
The video includes the image of a white wrench with a red dial that is clearly stamped with the 3DS company logo. Are they suggesting that the Canon machine made that part? Why would they choose a 3D Systems Branded file if 3D Systems didn't have anything to do with the machine?
So is this machine a DLP SLA machine at heart? It creates sheets of resin at a time (suggestive of DLP) and then fixes the layers with high-precision "sheet welding". I am wondering how this actually works? The video makes it look like the DLP SLA process is in the back and then sheets are moved forward to a build tray that has the energy source and possibly the addition of powdered support materials (hence the water soluble part)?
They also seem to be claiming full color. Is that an actual claim?
Thank you for any wild speculation on these questions.