No, actually im using it with a Dual setup..but i don't see why you couldn't just mount one side only. Then when you are ready, you can setup the other side. Your gears should spin freely with no belt attached, obviously with the belts attached and the printer "OFF" there will be some resistance since now the motor is engaged. And yes it is quite hard to turn manually for extruding than the stock Greg have to turn it much much slower..

If you have the RAMBO board like i Digital Pot is set to 135 for my 3mm setup....on my 1.75 setup it is set to 100 since it requires less pressure to extrude the thinner filament, hence it wont skip.

here is a pic of when i had the single setup

here is my Dual Flex setup

Quote Originally Posted by tsteever View Post
So you are using the dual but in a single setup? What is your stepper set at? There is part of me that thinks there may be something else going on. The main wheel is hard to turn at times which led me to think the nozzle was clogged or that the heat is too low. I don't remember the large wheel being that hard to turn. Does the size of the wheel make that big of a difference?