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Type: Posts; User: docdavies

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  1. Can anyone tell me where to get a copy of this...

    Can anyone tell me where to get a copy of this review??? Barnes and Noble, who just hosted their B&N Makerfaire with Make Magazine, has no idea when I can get a copy. Is there an on line link I can...
  2. What model arm did they make for him?

    What arm did they make for him?
  3. Niffty...but as "Open Source" does that mean that...

    Niffty...but as "Open Source" does that mean that the design files, code and build instructions will become available?
  4. Replies

    Would someone be so kind as to direct me to the...

    Would someone be so kind as to direct me to the files for this hand?

    I've got a VA group in my area that's interested and I wanted to make a few demo hands for them to examine.

  5. And are the plans, stls and other information for...

    And are the plans, stls and other information for this research effort posted for general use some where???
  6. Very nice device. Are the CAD or .stl files...

    Very nice device. Are the CAD or .stl files available so that we can print some examples?
  7. Replies

    Are these folks aware of the eNABLE Group? We...

    Are these folks aware of the eNABLE Group?

    We do similar things, and have many open source designs, designers, printers, fabricators and assemblers. Would be worth a discuss.
  8. Yeah, please let us know in eNABLE if they...

    Yeah, please let us know in eNABLE if they release there research.
Results 1 to 8 of 8