a tool that sands as you print? I don't think that's impossible, but there would be some issues - force sensitive sanding tool that can apply the right amount of force over the right amount of time without knocking the print off its bed, specially shaped sander to be able to adjust for different surfaces (vertical to horizontal transitions, which a sanding bulb could take care of), and the need for it to be able to dip above and below nozzle level.

Do you think 64 cbft. is a bit large? for any table or chair to be build in one piece there would have to be an insane amount of support material, and would take maybe more than a week to print. This may not matter; if I were to print an original modeled sculpture that large the cost and time probably wouldn't matter. It would have to have some of the same tech as stratasys machines, self-pausing when filament runs out, for instance.

I don't have any experience with those types of printers. I'll look into them a bit. Thanks for responding Feign.

I'm building a 3d printer right now and I'm trying to assess what the market for it is like. I've been getting good feedback from people but I've been trying to think what I can change to make it better. That sander would need some killer R&D.