Quote Originally Posted by Geoff View Post
I think the idea is more than a complete failure to be honest, considering the amount of print failures ALL machines can be capable of, the ability to stream the file once to the machine is just idiotic. They better have pretty good stream monitoring in effect if they are going to be detecting the printing state of peoples printers while they are printing it out - otherwise how would they ever know if the print was successful?

Was the print unsuccessful because of the printer? or the STL? or the streaming process failed?

Agreed... There are way too many variables to think the first time you started a print, it was going to work. And on something like this, I suspect I would have to play with different support material settings until I found one that was compatible with the design, printer, and plastic.

And looking at it from a different perspective... You are dealing with the Open_Source communities when you play with 3D-Printers. If this business really did get going, you would have reverse .STL compilers showing up very quickly that would capture the stream and save it as a normal .STL file. My guess is the reverse .STL compilers would be prevalent within 2 months.