I just ran this line through pronterface.

G29 V4 n4 F25 B175 L25 R175

It hits 25mm within the ends of the bed. It does a pretty good job of getting the platform covered with samples.

Although I could push it further out, I think it would be getting too close for comfort.

I will be using that line in my Pre Gcode until the new release of marlin. I am ok with that.

Here is my pronterface returns.

>>>G29 V4 n4 F25 B175 L25 R175
SENDING:G29 V4 n4 F25 B175 L25 R175
Roxy's Enhanced G29 Auto_Bed_Leveling Code V1.81:
Full support at http://3dprintboard.com
Bed x: 25.00 y: 25.00 z: 3.07
Bed x: 75.00 y: 25.00 z: 2.49
Bed x: 125.00 y: 25.00 z: 1.98
Bed x: 175.00 y: 25.00 z: 1.33
Bed x: 25.00 y: 75.00 z: 3.29
Bed x: 75.00 y: 75.00 z: 2.93
Bed x: 125.00 y: 75.00 z: 2.50
Bed x: 175.00 y: 75.00 z: 1.93
Bed x: 25.00 y: 125.00 z: 3.60
Bed x: 75.00 y: 125.00 z: 3.26
Bed x: 125.00 y: 125.00 z: 2.83
Bed x: 175.00 y: 125.00 z: 2.31
Bed x: 25.00 y: 175.00 z: 3.99
Bed x: 75.00 y: 175.00 z: 3.63
Bed x: 125.00 y: 175.00 z: 3.24
Bed x: 175.00 y: 175.00 z: 2.70
Eqn coefficients: a: -0.01 b: 0.01 d: 2.98
Mean of sampled points: 2.817552

Bed Height Topography:
+1.17384 +0.81609 +0.42592 --0.12006
+0.78617 +0.43964 +0.01706 --0.50399
+0.46831 +0.10806 --0.32199 --0.88792
+0.25266 --0.32947 --0.83931 --1.48501

planeNormal x: 0.01 y: -0.01 z: 1.00

Bed Level Correction Matrix:
0.999956 0.000000 -0.009393
0.000073 0.999970 0.007731
0.009393 -0.007731 0.999926
echo:endstops hit: Z:2.70

The matrix seems to tell me that the bed is very flat, just very tilted, but that is OK with me.

Would like to hear your thoughts Roxy.