recommended bed setting is 85c for abs - but as cliff shows - each machine and setup is unique.
The ideakl bed temp is often the glass temp. So the point that filament begins to soften enough to not shrink from thermal cooling - but not enough to deform under pressure because it's too soft.

The best advice is to simply find something small and useful and print them with different settings.

All we can really do is tell you what works for us.
We are NOT using your printer, in your enclosure and in your work room.
(you sure as hell are not using anything in what remotely resembles my work room: warmed up today, a sweltering 15c !)

One of the best pieces of advice I can give you is to simply print things.
Approach tempo changes sensibly and above all else DON'T PRINT BENCHIES !

Find something small and useful - I tend to use shopping trolley release keys - and use that for a test file.

A benchy teaches you nothing you can't learn from almost ANY other print.
So make something you actually want.