Quote Originally Posted by 3dkarma View Post
The performance of the Pi is more than adequate for what it needs to do. All it's doing is sending gcode to the printer electronics (RAMPS, etc.). It's not driving steppers or taking over the function of the printer's normal electronics package in any way. Source: been running one for months and have had no problems on prints lasting up to 6 hours.

What part do you find abysmal? The video isn't great in terms of frame rate or quality, but that's more down to the quality of the pi's camera than anything else.
It's fine if you're printing from SD card, using it only to keep an eye on your prints, but printing from Octoprint using a Pi is, as I said, abysmal.

Watch it slow to a crawl: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxarGNCVpMI

I'm not the only one with this issue. This is a common complaint. http://forum.seemecnc.com/viewtopic.php?f=70&t=5141