Quote Originally Posted by curious aardvark View Post
And in the us you get real guns free i crackerjack boxes. So why worry :-)
Exaggerating the issue doesn't help you know. I had to pay several hundred dollars and pass a background check for mine.

Besides, 3d printed guns are no more dangerous than any other gun, except maybe to the user, and if you intend to build one durable enough to do any real damage you will need metal components and they are then just as easy to detect as any other firearm.

All that said, as with the printers and money, it doesn't affect anyone day to day so I don't really see the issue. Plus, we as makers would just build our own printer with our own firmware and circumvent it anyways. There's no way at all to enforce this.

It's Commiefornia. They spend millions creating and enforcing worthless laws that the rest of the world wouldn't ever waste their time with, and then wonder why their economy is shot. The rest of the country rarely worries about or cares what laws they pass, and they are a running joke with everyone from grade school on up.