I have very little tolerance for messy wiring. I don't like how it looks, and I'm always afraid it will get caught on something and damaged, so I took the time to dress all of the wiring on the printer.

I trimmed all of the cables to length and reterminated them with new crimp pins. I sheathed everything with TechFlex braided sleeving and dressed the ends with heat shrink tubing and cable ties. I found (or made) places to tie everything down nice and neat, leaving slack for the cables to flex and move while printing.

For the wires going to the X carriage, I kept the hot end wires (heater and thermistor), motor wires, fan power and bed leveling (servo and switch) in separate bundles so I can easily swap out the parts without having to redo the wire dressing.

I have no idea why Colin didn't include holes to pass the Z motor wires through the frame on the i3v like he did on the i3, but I added them myself with a coping saw.

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