Quote Originally Posted by tsteever View Post

I am using ABS for now as that is what I had used on the Afinia. The Afinia, by the way, needed no tinkering. We took it out of the box, made sure the bed was level and printed. They outline a procedure where you move the nozzle to a paper width away from the bed and set that as the nozzle height. My assumption is that is a Z-offset value? I will attach a pic of a Afinia printed part and a mother part I attempted to print on my Makerfarm. You can see a very noticeable difference int he top layer. Both printed with ABS.

For my surface, I am using glass from the hardware store and i spray it with the same hair spray Collin used in his vids.

I regret buying the Rumba as I thought it would be an upgrade but it appears that since very few people use it I am at a disadvantage.

As for the LCD movement, Collin told me not to use that as it can get the Z axis out of sync. I just can't figure out why it homes to a different z position when I hit autohome? SHouldn't it always stop when the endstop is activated?

My big thing is where can I get some pronterface help? Most of the time people are making suggestions they tell me to move something using pronterface, completely ignoring the fact that i cannot get it to work! I guess I shouldn't cram so much into one thread.

no your fine we'll do our best to help, I have a rambo board and was the first on the forums to have one i think so i literally had to figure everything out on my own. That being said it is entirely possible to get great prints but thats the difference between reprap and more closed source options. I would suggest printing an auto leveling setup early on if you dont want to deal with bed leveling.

As to you connection to the printer I would try different USB ports on the computer as well as a new cable

As far as the ABS i would suggest using a pretty high print bed temp around 120 especially if you don't have an enclosure, the slightest breeze can warp the print.