When I first built the i3v, the thing that annoyed me the most was the end stop switch brackets. The geometry of the Y stop seemed strange to me, with the bolt hitting the hinge side of the switch. I couldn't get the X end stop far enough to the right to use all of the bed and I never could get the Z switch to trigger, no matter how much I trimmed the wooden mount.

So, I designed a set of stop switch mounting brackets that solve these problems. The Y switch is reoriented so the ball end of the switch hits the screw. The X stop is turned vertically with a notch in the bracket to fit around the wheel bolt and the bracket has a place to zip-tie the wires. The Z switch is relocated around the side of the extrusion so it lines up with the X idler.

Downloadable files are here: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:321810
