Quote Originally Posted by midnitmike View Post
I'd like to see a picture of the part you're printing, especially around the area where the filament jammed and at the bed directly below. My reasoning is that your jam might be caused by the part warping up off the bed causing the slight gap between the extruder and part to close up. I've had this happen innumerable times on large prints and the only cure I've found is to ensure that my part stays perfectly bonded to the bed. Tell tale signs of this happening would be any movement of the part (warpage) , as well as grooves in the upper layers caused by the extruder dragging through the plastic.

As far as remedies go it depends on the part. In some cases I've had success simply by using more hairspray for better adhesion, or raising the bed temp to compensate for the heat loss due to the increased surface area. Recently I've gone to larger and larger brim settings to help hold my parts in place, or even adding more layers to the brim to make them stronger. As always a perfectly calibrated machine and a clean nozzle are required before setting up a large print job.

So its basically about 7 inches across at the bottom and it tapers at the top, its a cone essentially. it fails about 6 inches up. its failed at lik4 -6inches up.
Well, it just failed on a short print too, so something is going on. It is NOT the bed.. I can guarantee that.. the PEI surface im using is VERY good and i have to peel these things up with a putty knife. they are wicked sticky

I may clean out the nozzle and run some cleaning filament through it, or heat it up to 270 and just flush some cleaning filament through it. other than a partially clogged nozzle, i dont know what else it could be at this point. Unless this filament is bad (2 spools in a row) perhaps its diamter is bad but i dont think that is as likely.