The height adjust will not affect the amount of material extruded, not getting material right away is a bed level problem, if i dont see material coming right away, i push the bed down with my hand slightly so i can see if this is the case, obviously if the bed is too close to the extruder outlet then it essentially blocks the material. TIP level the bed at the temperature you plan to use it at i.e level at 110c if using a heated bed, or level at room temp if running at room temp.

Try and set the bed temp off in the tick box, last as i have noticed it seems to default back to heated bed on if you adjust other setting last, and remember to save settings.

Print PLA on blue painters tape not kapton you will save your expensive kapton tape and removal is a bit easier from the cheap throw away tape.

fast speed low bed temp for PLA on blue tape

Some people heat bed to 60c (its the materials Tg that makes it stick) others use no heat, I do not , i dont think it matters in my experience.