Quote Originally Posted by Geoff View Post
I think Dan, you summed up my feelings in that sentence, and simultaneously proved alot of peoples arguments here
At the time that we all posted, we were unaware of this new design. I wanted experimentation, possible improvement. I thought 3D printing a promising vehicle for experimentation. If improvement involved customization, 3D printing would be a promising vehicle for customization, too.

Please forgive me if I now misinterpret the objections that I received. The fact is that Lippes loop once had FDA approval, but approval has been revoked because superior designs now exist. The posted objections were that (1) further experimentation is unnecessary because the Lippes loop is obsolete, and (2) any improvement will not require customization because the Lippes loop did not involve customization. The logic of those arguments escapes me.

Let us not beat a dead horse. Please confine your reply to my (this) post, to a single comprehensive post. I will not reply to your post. You may have the last word.

Also please, no more personal abuse. It can escalate and destroy the value of the thread.