
If you go through all the info on the Deluxe package, they are pretty clear about buying the not-deluxe first and getting the deluxe only after the standard printer is up and running. Yes, I found that a bit odd as well. There are a bunch of differences between the standard printer and the deluxe. The whole geometry of the printer changes.

The Z offset in the firmware is the distance between a typical trigger on the BL Touch and the typical hot end mount in the Makerfarm carriage. If you head over to the Prusa MK2, you will find that all of these sensors have a bit of fiddling involved with them. The part I designed up has a similar offset. It is *not* a perfect number. There is to much tolerance in the probes trigger point for that to be true. You go through a print / measure / change offset / new gcode (loop) process to get them set up.

The other thing to keep in mind, if you are going to use a gcode offset, your firmware will need a negative Z minimum limit in it.
