Glass and glue stick works remarkably well for me. Lots of folks have bought the Microswiss and installed them in the stock QiDi. However the Microswiss all metal hotend assy is a slightly different diameter, and the use of thermal compound to fill the gaps is a requirement. Note that this swap may radically change your printing temps or retraction characteristics. There are also numerous blog entries complaining of filament jamming subsequent to the installation, and I wonder if these may be due to inadequate conduction / cooling due to the aforementioned diameter differences(?). Those complaints seem most often to be reported as resolved by enhanced extruder cooling fan modifications.

Further, IMHO it will likely have no immediate positive effect on your printer's ability to use flexible filament. The Microswiss all metal is most often utilized when print temps above 235C are needed. At higher temps the PTFE liner in the MK10 hotend will degrade more quickly, and may even outgas some incredibly toxic stuff depending upon the temperature, the PTFE's formulation, and whose studies are believed. As many flexible filaments do not require higher print temps, more typically the issues with printing flex materials are caused by extruder filament management. Read up on the Flexion for example.