A short update...

First, an apology for teasing with the "Super Special Treat"...
I was interviewed about 3D printing for a podcast at the University I work for. I was "promised" that it would take only a few days for it to be posted and available online for the world to hear. Well, it's been more than a few days and it's still not up pending "approval". I'm not really sure what that means anymore. Oh well... may be some day it will be available. I will post a link when (if?) it is.

I found some time to make some important tweaks to one of my models I've been working on. As I learn how to model, I'm coming to the conclusion that Booleans can be more trouble than their worth. After my tweaks (looks great in the CAD software!), slicer could no longer see significant portions of the model !!! So, I reworked my model taking the boolean operations out and I now have a model that represents what I want AND slices beautifully !!!

I also ordered a UV nail polish dryer. Very small, $15, shipped in 3 days. Sweet. No excuses left.

Next stop: PRINT $#!T !!!