I had a conversation with the owner of American3DPrinting.com and apparently Mr. Zepp, wanted the owner simply to sign the name over to him for nothing, as a favor. The owner of American3DPrinting.com say that Mr. Zepp used the rationale that because the owner of American3DPrinting.com wasn't using the domain that simply signing it over for nothing more that the cost of transferring the domain would be something the owner should do, stating also that he, Mr. Zepp was a small guy with not very much money, etc...

The owner of American3DPrinting.com protested at the request to basically give the domain over. The owner of American3DPrinting.com said that he would sell the domain for a reasonably amount but that he would not give it away.

In the post above where Mr. Zepp states that the price asked for American3DPrinting.com was far too high. In reality the price he wanted to pay, which was "nothing" is the real truth, making Mr. Zepp's story suspect in the least.

I will warn you only once Mr. Zepp. Do not get busy trademarking the domains that I own. You will not find me a passive victim, I can assure you.