Unfortunately, SLS printers are more than US$5000.00 I am inclined to agree that you should use nylon and the SLS printers will give you the best accuracy and detail. You may find it to your advantage to use a 3D printing service that offers SLS in nylon, especially if you have reasonable quantities. FDM printers use a flat plane for model placement and one would expect for production reasons to fill up the plane of the bed with as many models as possible.

SLS printers use the entire print volume. Un-sintered nylon powder from the build chamber is affected by the process and much of it has to be discarded, although a new mix with a small proportion of previously heated powder can be used. If you have many parts, they are "stuffed" or stacked or packed in the build chamber, reducing the powder loss, making high volume production more cost-effective.

I have an SLS printer kit that is not yet fully assembled. Coincidentally it has a 100mm cube as a build chamber.

I hope you meant 100 x 100 mm in your last post! (smile)

What software are you using to create your models?