Quote Originally Posted by clough42 View Post
So, I designed a set of stop switch mounting brackets that solve these problems.
I have downloaded and printed out your X and Y brackets, but I keep having trouble mounting them. It seems I cannot get the screw tight enough to keep the bracket from moving, even after REALLY torquing down on the screw. I think I actually crushed one Y bracket by tightening the screw too much, but it still was loose on the extrusion. I got the X to stay put somehow, but the Y won't cooperate. Any suggestions?

As for mods I've made, I haven't designed any myself, but I've just added this http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:285504 to my i3v, along with the requisite firmware changes. I've also added lights to my printer, both at the top of the frame and behind the hotend.