I really need to figure out why this is happening. I have literally replaced everything, my ramps, mega, stiffined up my ABL system 3 times. Redesigned brackets to position everything as close to the nozzle as possible for minimal error. Brought my bed as close to level as possible, although that doesnt make a difference to finding z home.

I just dont know why the z offset that I load up in there, works one time and then its a different z offset another time. And I have to switch back and forth between these two values, they are over 3 mm apart, it cant be servo and brackets... I am worried about it, I have 3 machines with this problem and I am getting 4 more machines and I cant afford to re-upload firmware everytime I need to print.

It has to be software related, just has to be...

Is it a version of marlin that is doing this? What about the EEPROM thingy you were talking about? I have no idea how to verify or what to do to confirm if it is that. I need some more detailed guidance, thank you!