Combination of:
things that I cannot buy.
things that come under the: 'hey Alex can you make me: a thing to do this, one of these, copy this etc
Thing round the house that have broken
stuff for my dad's: shooting, motorhome, fishing
Things that i have invented
very occasionally ornaments - but probably 99% practical items

Looking to make more stuff to sell and get into the rapid prototyping & design sector on a more professional basis

Also looking towards selling a fairly unique device that I can hopefully patent as well.
We'll see - got to get the bugger working first :-)
If it works it'll be worth good money to a lot of people - if it doesn't work - it won't be. lol
And yes it's meant to be cryptic. First thing that's said on all the patent sites I've looked at: Do Not Tell Anyone What It Is.
So I'm not going to :-)