Not sure what you mean by "artifacts".
Which picture you referring to? Can you be more specific as to where the artifact is?
I will take better close-up pictures and post them when I can.

Printing G-Code Files
I've been encountering some oddities when I would try to print my own model from g-code.
After a long chat with Rylan last night, I have resolutions to at least 2 of them !!

Oddity #1
Every print from ANY g-code file, the print would not start until the "Current Height" equaled 5. I scoured the settings in Slic3r but could not find a reference to a height of 5. That is until yesterday when I started digging through the g-code itself.
In Slic3r, I found the g-code "beginning" had “G1 Z5 F5000” in it. This translates to Draw straight lines (G1) at the Z-Axis location 5 (Z5) with a Federate of 5000mm/min. So I tried changing Z5 to Z0. This produced NO DRIPS in the Peachy software. It would NOT print. Ok then, I changed Z0 to Z1 and it worked fine and the print started at “Current Height” of “1.0”.
Cool !! That will shave time off my prints :-) Still having a small time buffer allows for final base height adjustments.
In Cura, Rylan recommends deleting the "Begging/End" gcode entirely.

Laser Power
The setting for the laser power would not stay at 1.0 when I set it for my prints. I only had it hold it’s 100% setting with the “library” print.
When I was going into the Advanced Settings, I was setting the value to “1.0”. Last night I tried “0.99” and it is holding the value even after closing and reopening the program !!! That's close enough for me!! Solved !!

Layer Counting & Compressed Layers
Something is still quirky here. I ran the print and the "layer counting" jumped from layer 1 to layer 10. During those layers (maybe a bit longer too), there was no time where the laser stopped drawing between layers. I even had the drip speed set to 3. After around the 15th or 17th layer (not entirely sure), there were laser drawing pauses even though the layers were the same shape/area coverage. Why the change in behaviour??

Rylan and I talked about how we can get some bugs fixed in the software. We will continue that conversation (and I will continue testing!) and see what can be worked out. It will depend on many things including programmer availability but I'm hoping a new release can be brought out sometime in the future. It's all "good intentions" right now but we will see what can be done :-)

More to come...