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  1. #21
    Student BSCdan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Massachusetts, USA
    I don't think our prices are high, especially considering there are many more expensive filaments that are of far inferior quality . We're not selling standard filament. We're selling a biodegradable ABS filament. We're selling a PLA with PHA additive. We spool our filaments in a manner that avoids tangles, knots, crossovers, loopbacks. We don't use plastic spooling, but a biodegradable recycled cardboard. If none of those things are important to you, yes, we're going to be more expensive than your standard filament. But to say we're expensive when we're less expensive than the most popular selling filament in the world, which we score higher than across the board, is kind of an odd statement.

    We sell to Colleges, Universities, Fab Labs and Makerspaces who want a better quality filament. Can we compete with Hatchbox? Price wise, of course not. I'd love to buy a BMW, but I certainly wouldn't expect to get one for the price of a Kia.
    Last edited by BSCdan; 09-14-2016 at 09:18 AM.

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