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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    Post cube pro trio 3D printer

    Hey guys,

    Just to start off i am not a 3D designer or a designer of any sort so the terminology in this post might be a little below compared to what everyone on here is accompanied to so please bare with me. As i have been searching through the internet doing my day to day things i have come across 3D printers more and more often they seem to becoming the next best thing so to speak. I am very intrigued in how the whole process from start to finish and the things you can accomplish from basic house hold cutlery to an M16 firearm (the world is changing). I have seen 3D printers for sale all over the internet they are hard to miss to be honest. So what i would like to know would i be able to hook it up in my house and start playing around designing different house hold items? and then maybe in the future go a little further and possibly make some money?

    What would i need to run the 3D printers, materials, inks etc?? As it is hard to find specs so to speak i can not give you a lot more information on that apart from the name in the title "cube pro trio 3D printer" but there are others like...

    M3D Micro printer
    Cubify cubex duo 3D printer
    Makerbot 3D printer

    I found some great 3D printers on

    And as you know the list goes on and on.

    Any information would be greatly appreciated

    Example image below

    Thanks everyone
    Last edited by 3Ddesign; 09-13-2016 at 10:24 PM. Reason: More information

  2. #2
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    you need a computer and some rolls of filament.
    That's it really.

    To find specs - just do what you would do to find specs for anything else: use a search engine.

    To make your own stuff - the best bit in my opinion.
    You will also need a cad program that you understand and that is capable of outputting solid models in .stl or .amf format.

    Couple good places to start:

    there are many others - again, just search.

    Also lots and lots of videos on youtbe, I quite like angus at makers muse.
    Seems like an honest guy, plenty of enthusiasm:
    And he does get some very nice toys to lay with :-)

  3. #3
    Also, run away from Makerbot. Run fast, run far.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    Computer is no problem what so ever and filament is easy enough to get online. I did search google but did not come up with to much but the links you gave had enlightened me. I will get back to you after i have done some research..


    P.S Thanks for the Makerbot tip

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    I spent some time going over these websites

    and to be honest some really good information and product suggestions


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