I think you have some of the same motivations I do. I work more enthusiastically on projects that may help others than I do for my own stuff. The feedback is important too, as you've noted. My printer is still in the box from the Kickstarter days. When it arrived, I updated the firmware and then learned of a hardware update. I can't recall if it was free minus shipping or reasonable cost, but it was shipped back, and updated. It's been in the box since, as too many projects running at one time can be overwhelming. I've been chastised for letting it sit, but I ignored that post, as no one can determine another person's actions, especially in matters of this sort.

I know I'm not feeding you the motivation, at least not based on my use. I enjoy your technical posts and appreciate your talents in the work you're performing.

My printer has been moved from the dead space into the hobby room, which is a positive sign anyway!